English Bahasa Malaysia
alien property harta alien
charge (property) gadaian
corporeal property harta zahir
custodian of enemy property penyimpan harta musuh
demised property harta demis
devised property harta devis
devolution of property penurunan harta
disposition of property pelupusan harta
distribution of property pembahagian harta
enemy property harta musuh
estate (property of living person) estet
extraterritorial property harta luar wilayah
freehold property harta pegangan kekal
immovable property harta tak alih
incorporeal property harta tak zahir
injury (property) kerosakan
insurable property harta boleh insurans
intangible property harta tak ketara
intellectual property right hak harta intelektual
movable property harta alih
personal property harta alih
property harta
property in land harta tanah
public property harta awam
rate (local tax on property) kadaran
real property harta tanah
right of property hak mengenal harta
tangible property harta ketara
a joint property harta milik bersama
administration of property pentadbiran harta benda
common property harta benda awam
confiscation of property perampasan harta / rampasan harta benda
conveyance of property pemindahan harta / harta benda
corporate property harta benda korporat
dispose / retain stolen property melupuskan / menyimpan barang curi
family property harta benda keluarga
hereditary property harta benda keturunan
inheritance of property harta benda warisan
inventory of property inventori / senarai lengkap harta benda
inviolability of property ketakboleh cabulan harta benda
landed property rumah bertanah / hartanah
leased property suatu kontrak bila mana tuan punya harta memberikan milikan eksklusif harta tersebut kepada orang lain untuk sesuatu jangka masa yang dipersetujui
leasehold property harta benda pegangan pajak
matrimonial property harta benda suami-isteri
mortgaged property harta benda gadai janji
onerous property harta benda yang membebankan
possess landed property memiliki hartanah
private property harta benda privet
real estate (property) hartanah / harta pusaka / harta benda
realization of property pencapaian harta benda
residual property baki harta benda
state of property keadaan harta benda
stolen property harta benda curian
succession of property pewarisan harta benda
See Also: Dictionary
See Also: Statutory Definition