Translator | |
English | Bahasa Malaysia |
address the court | berucap kepada mahkamah |
charge (court) | pertuduhan |
contempt of court | penghinaan mahkamah |
court | mahkamah |
court of appeal | mahkamah rayuan |
court of judicature | mahkamah kehakiman |
court of justice | mahkamah keadilan |
court martial | mahkamah tentera |
domestic court | mahkamah domestik |
ecclesiastical court | rnahkamah ekiesiastikal |
engaged (in court) | bertugas |
exhibit (court) | barang kes |
extract (court order) | mengambil |
federal court | mahkamah persekutuan |
finding (of the court) | pendapat |
foreign court | mahkamah asing |
full court | mahkamah penuh anggota |
inferior court | mahkamah bawahan |
international court of justice | mahkamah keadilan antarabangsa |
juvenile court | mahkamah juvenil |
lower court | mahkamah rendah |
municipal court | mahkamah munisipal |
native court | mahkamah adat |
open court | mahkamah terbuka |
order (court rule) | aturan |
payment into court | pembayaran ke dalam mahkamah |
payment out of court | pembayaran daripada mahkamah |
permanent court of international justice | mahkamah tetap keadilan antarabangsa |
president sessions court | yang dipertua mahkamah sesyen |
prize court | mahkamah harta rampasan laut |
rule (direction by court) | perintah |
subordinate court | mahkamah rendah |
summons (court) | saman |
superior court | mahkamah atasan |
supreme court | mahkamah agung |
tender (exhibit in court) | kemukakan |
ward of court | anak jagaan mahkamah |
world court | mahkamah dunia |
breach of syariah court order | pelanggaran perintah mahkamah syariah |
civil court | mahkamah sivil |
civil court action similar to trespass | tindakan dimahkamah sivil seumpama pencerobohan |
cognizance of the court | pengetahuan mahkamah |
coroner’s court | mahkamah koroner - mahkamah koroner yang mendengar kes yang menyebabkan kematian |
court appointed counsel | peguam yang dilantik mahkamah |
court decorum | tatasusila mahkamah |
Court Dispute Resolution (CDR)) | Pertelingkahan Penyelesaian Mahkamah (CDR |
court of bankruptcy | mahkamah yang mendengar kes bankrap /muflis |
court of civil appeal | mahkamah rayuan sivil |
court of criminal appeal | mahkamah rayuan jenayah |
court of equity | mahkamah ekuiti (keadilan) |
court of first instance | mahkamah yang mana tindakan didengar buat pertama kali |
court of inquiry | mahkamah penyiasatan |
court sentence | hukuman mahkamah |
criminal court | mahkamah jenayah |
high court | mahkamah tinggi |
high court of justice | mahkamah tinggi penghakiman |
lodgement in court | pengaduan di mahkamah |
magistrate’s court | mahkamah majistret |
mention in court | sebutan di mahkamah |
military court | mahkamah tentera |
probate court | mahkamah probet |
rule of court | peraturan mahkamah |
satisfy the court | meyakinkan mahkamah |
special court | mahkamah istimewa |
syariah court | mahkamah syariah (yang mendengar kes undang-undang Islam) |
trial court | mahkamah perbicaraan |
See Also: Dictionary |