
(lit., the way or course or conduct of life): The example of the Prophet embodied in his statements, actions and those matters that he silently approved or disapproved as reported in hadith literature. Sunnah is acknowledged as a primary source of Islamic law after the Qur’an.


Ahadeeth and the way of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)


Literally, a clear path or beaten track. Refers to whatever the Prophet said, did, agreed to, or condemned. The Sunnah is a source of the Sharee`ah and a legal proof next to the Qur`an. As a source of the Sharee`ah, the Sunnah may corroborate a ruling which originates in the Qur`an. Secondly, the Sunnah may consist of an explanation or clarification of the Qur`an. Thirdly, the Sunnah may also consist of rulings on which the Qur`an is silent


Practice of the Prophet Muhammad

