
(mental health) In the Sirât Rasûl Allâh (Life of Muhammad trans. By A. Guillaume) we learn that Mohammed himself was convinced of being possessed by evils and that, not to become the village`s idiot, he wanted to throw himself down a mountain (p.106/153): Woe is me poet or possessed?. The Meccans also thought that Mohammed suffered from some mental illness or ghost-possession. They call him web of dreams, fanciful poet, enchanted: Qu.21.5 (-Chr.21-); 36.69 (-Chr.41-) or 52.30 (-Chr.76-). He never was confirmed in his prophethood but through a sensual `test` arranged by his wife Khadija (to avoid a widow`s burden) who concluded about the entity visiting his husband: O son of my uncle, rejoice and be of good heart, by God he is an angel and not a Satan. (106/153; 107/154; 111/155). In 1993, Dr Herman H. Somers (an authority in Psychology) published a well documented diagnosis over Mohammed: the self-called `Prophet` suffered from classical Paranoia Delusion with recurring, pervasive, sensorial hallucinations (Een Andere Mohammed, A Different Mohammed; Hadewych, Antwerp 1993).


(Muhammad, meaning The Praised One, formerly Kothan Halabi ibn Abdullah 570?-632?). Perfect model, the seal of prophethood, for all Muslims within areas which has to be followed, although he was characterized as murderer, child violator and a cheater by breach of contract. --Muhammad set the example and broke all rules. He reneged his treaties. He invaded caravans during the sacred months when fighting was taboo. He eliminated his critics by assassinating them. He raided villages without warning. He raped captured married women. He mutilated the corpses of his enemies "to delight the hearts of the believers". He beheaded his opponents to strike fear. You can`t expect Muslims to observe rules that their prophet did not observe (Ali Sina). Notice how the very name of Mohammed, as The Praised One, is sacrilegious by allowing a partner to Allah.