


A person having the right and duty of protecting the person, property or rights of one who is without full legal capacity or otherwise incapable of managing his own affairs. (1) Guardianship in chivalry was the right of the lord to hold the land, of an infant tenant until majority. (2) Guardianship in socage was the right of the next of blood to whom the inheritance could not descend, to the wordship of the land while the heir was under the age of 14. (3) Guardianship by nature was that exercised by a father over the person of his son and heir apparent. (4) A guardian by election is one chosen by a minor himself. (5) A guardian by statute is one appointed by will pursuant to the statute. (6) A guardian ad litem is a person appointed to defend an action or other proceeding on behalf of a minor or person under a disability.
See Also: Statutory Definition
